
This project provided new fenestration to three existing towers at the University’s Kedleston Campus. The project vastly improved the look and the energy performance of these three 1960s blocks.

The project was undertaken in a live campus environment where the classrooms and offices were in use throughout. This meant that special consideration had to be given to decant scheduling and construction techniques in order to ensure as little disruption as possible to the University’s operation.

The project also included internal refurbishment around the window areas mostly completed out of hours which has transformed the environment inside the building. The building remained in use throughout the project.

Greenwood Projects provided Employers Agent, project and cost management services and health and safety advice.

University of Derby

Kedleston Towers Refenestration

£14 million

Project Manager, Employer’s Agent, Quantity Surveyor & CDM Advisor

Design & Build

18 months

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