
This project saw £1.2m investment enabling works to be carried out to St Mary’s in the Market Square. The works include opening up the ground floor to accommodate the library while the first floor will include a museum, exhibition and performance space, as well as an access point for digitised archive collections.

On the ground floor, work includes exposing the church’s 19th century columns, incorporating etched glass screens into the new layout and retaining the altar, choir stalls and pews at the east end in a study area.

While one end of the first floor will have a balcony overlooking the level below, its central space will be occupied by a flexible performance and exhibition space.

The project has secured a £1.2m grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund in order to complete the works.

The Guild of St. Mary’s

St. Mary’s Church, Lichfield

£1.2 million

Project Manager & Quantity Surveyor


38 weeks

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